Tuesday, January 02, 2007


WELCOME 2007! Since it has the number 7, our lucky number, we are hoping this would be 'our year' :)
I know we have kept you, our avid following, waiting for long; for too long, if I must say. For us, the frustration and the desperation is too much to handle as well. We can only give ourselves more hope; we're not giving up :)
We have always been committed to each other, although we have different ways of showing it among ourselves. Thus, these differences create misunderstandings that cause the delays of the product of our craft. Priorities play an important role; and each of us differ in our priorities. I'm hoping that all of us in the band could finally settle our differences. But don't worry, we guarantee everybody that our album will soon be out. Not today nor tomorrow; not anytime soon, I guess. But, it will. I promise you that.
And this year, it will. I'm sure of that (or I'll kill myself! harhar!).
No, seriously, my crystal ball says the same thing.:)
Slowly, but surely...we want to give you good stuff as well :) It's my wish for this year. Plus this: please! please! pleeeaaasssseeee! NO MORE QUITTING! I wish none of my bandmates would think of quitting anymore. The procrastination for the album is enough. Or should I say, too much already?
Sigh. We need all your positive energies. please continue to support us.
Thanks :)


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